Wed, 24 Nov
|Chapel Farm
£50 per individual 45 min session (includes arena hire and member discount). First lesson : 10.15am

Time & Location
24 Nov 2021, 08:35
Chapel Farm, Hyde Lane, Great Missenden HP16 0RF
About the Event
Another session in our ongoing training with Ian Cast. Lessons will be in the Indoor Arena at Chapel Farm courtesy of NRC member Alex Sheffield allowing Ian to teach without weather worries. If we have a dry day, there is also a 20 x 60 arena you can work in. You will enjoy an individual 45 minute lesson ideal for members looking to improve their flatwork.
There is easy access and good parking at Chapel Farm, but may we respectfully ask you to arrive promptly, ride and then depart, clearing any hay or droppings. Thank you.
Please book in by clicking the 'ENTER' button at the top or by emailing naphillrcmembership@gmail.com (and for any queries).
Lessons will be allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis and only confirmed once payment has been received.
Naphill Riding Club
Sort Code : 20-40-71
Account Number : 70668605
Payment Ref : IAN CAST 24/11